Recordings by 'Ballard Terrell'

Here is a discography of 5 phonograph recordings by "Ballard Terrell" :

Marion - GENNETT (1920 - 1930) - 9062 - ; Composer: Inghammcconnellkrenglesmith; matrix: G07293; ~3 min
Pretty Little Cinderella - GENNETT (1920 - 1930) - 9054 - ; matrix: G07282; ~3 min
The Love Nest - GENNETT (1920 - 1930) - 9057 - ; matrix: G07302; ~3 min
What A Friend We Have In Jesus - FEDERAL (early 20's) - 5063B - Composer: Converse; xref: Sil 2063, Res 75063; ~3 min
What A Friend We Have In Jesus - SILVERTONE (1920's, for Sears) - 2063B - Composer: Converse; matrix: 1-566; xref: Res 75063; ~3 min