Recordings by 'Chu Berry And His Jazz Ensemble'

Here is a discography of 4 phonograph recordings by "Chu Berry And His Jazz Ensemble" :

Blowing Up A Breeze - COMMODORE (Music Shop) - 541A - ; Composer: Berry - Page; matrix: R4178-2; xref: 7509; control: NYC; ~3 min
Gee Aint I Good To You V. Hot Lips Page - COMMODORE (Music Shop) - 1508A - ; matrix: R4181; xref: 17302, Emb 148; control: NYC; ~3 min
Monday At Mintons Whats It To You - COMMODORE (Music Shop) - 541B - ; Composer: Berry - Page; matrix: R4180-2; xref: 7509; control: NYC; ~3 min
On The Sunny Side Of The Street - COMMODORE (Music Shop) - 1508B - ; Composer: Fields - Mchugh; matrix: R4179; xref: 7502, Emb 148; control: NYC; ~3 min