Recordings by 'Edmund Obrien'

Here is a discography of 6 phonograph recordings by "Edmund Obrien" :

3 Sonnets High Flight Safety The Dead - MERCURY - 1018 - ; matrix: 380; xref: (A-15); ~3 min
3 Sonnets How Do I Love Thee The Hill - MERCURY - 1017 - ; matrix: 378; xref: (A-15); ~3 min
A Blue Valentine - MERCURY - 1016 - ; matrix: 376; xref: (A-15); ~3 min
Annabel Lee - MERCURY - 1017 - ; matrix: 377; xref: (A-15); ~3 min
My Last Duchess - MERCURY - 1018 - ; matrix: 381; xref: (A-15); ~3 min
Windy Night Atonement If I Loved You More - MERCURY - 1016 - ; matrix: 379; xref: (A-15); ~3 min